Classes Result
Explore the various result classes designed to handle different aspects of data retrieval and display within the IPTV system.
Quick Links
- RemoteGroupResult
- RemoteChannelResult
- RemoteSourceResult
- RemoteContentResult
- RemoteStreamResult
- RemoteRelatedResult
- SuggestTextSearchResult
- SearchResult
- ShareResult
Class Definitions
The RemoteGroupResult
class serves as a response container for remote group data queries within the IPTV system. It provides the following key features:
- Multi-language support through IMultiLanguageText interface
- Visual customization through IImage interface for group thumbnails and artwork
- Content organization through arrays of Channel and Group objects
- Pagination support via IPaging and IPageInfo interfaces
- Secure API requests using IRequestHeaderRow configurations
class RemoteGroupResult {
url: string;
name?: string | IMultiLanguageText;
image?: IImage;
grid_number?: number;
channels_title?: string | IMultiLanguageText;
channels?: Array<Channel>;
groups?: Array<Group>;
request_headers?: Array<IRequestHeaderRow>;
sorts?: Array<ISortItem>;
search?: ISearchConfig;
paging?: IPaging;
pageInfo?: IPageInfo;
export enum GROUP_DISPLAY {
SLIDER = 'slider',
HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal',
VERTICAL = 'vertical',
BANNER = 'banner',
GROUP_ROUND = 'group-round',
GROUP_SQUARE = 'group-square',
The RemoteChannelResult
class handles the results of queries for media content within a specific channel, focusing on delivering media content. Here's a detailed description of its attributes:
- An array of Source objects, representing the media content within the channel
class RemoteChannelResult {
sources: Array<Source>;
The RemoteSourceResult
class manages content collections for a specific source, providing:
- An array of Content objects representing content collections in the source
class RemoteSourceResult {
contents: Array<Content>;
The RemoteContentResult
class manages the response data for streams within a specific content, providing:
- An array of Stream objects containing stream details and streaming information
class RemoteContentResult {
streams: Array<Stream>;
The RemoteStreamResult
class manages streaming links for a specific stream, providing:
- An array of StreamLink objects containing stream URLs, types, and configurations for different quality levels and formats
class RemoteStreamResult {
stream_links: Array<StreamLink>;
The RemoteRelatedResult
class provides a structured response for displaying related channels based on viewer interests or content similarity:
- An array of Channel objects
class RemoteRelatedResult {
channels: Array<Channel>;
The SuggestTextSearchResult
class returns an array of suggested search terms to assist users in refining their queries quickly and accurately.
Return: Array<string>
The SearchResult
class structures the response from content search queries, organizing search results effectively:
- Multi-language support through IMultiLanguageText interface
- An array of Channel objects representing the search results
- An array of Group objects for hierarchical content organization
- Pagination configuration via IPaging for efficient content navigation
- Comprehensive pagination details from IPageInfo, providing context about the current page and total results
- Sort configuration via ISortItem for customizable sorting of results
- Configurable HTTP headers using IRequestHeaderRow for tailored API requests
class SearchResult {
url: string;
grid_number?: number;
groups?: Array<Group>;
channels_title?: string | IMultiLanguageText;
channels?: Array<Channel>;
paging?: IPaging;
pageInfo?: IPageInfo;
sorts?: Array<ISortItem>;
request_headers?: Array<IRequestHeaderRow>;
The SortResult
class structures the response from sort queries, organizing sort results effectively:
- Multi-language support through IMultiLanguageText interface
- An array of Group objects for hierarchical content organization
- An array of Channel objects for direct content access
- Pagination configuration via IPaging for efficient content navigation
- Comprehensive pagination details from IPageInfo, providing context about the current page and total results
- Sort configuration via ISortItem for customizable sorting of results
- Configurable HTTP headers using IRequestHeaderRow for tailored API requests
class SortResult {
url: string;
grid_number?: number;
groups?: Array<Group>;
channels_title?: string | IMultiLanguageText;
channels?: Array<Channel>;
paging?: IPaging;
pageInfo?: IPageInfo;
sorts?: Array<ISortItem>;
request_headers?: Array<IRequestHeaderRow>;
The ShareResult
class is designed to encapsulate the necessary details for sharing specific media content:
- A Channel object representing the media being shared.
- An associated Provider to give context about the content source.
class ShareResult {
channel: Channel;
provider?: Provider;